
Indie Author’s Bookstore Guide

When I released my second self-published book, I knew I needed to change up my marketing plan. I didn’t want to rely SOLEY on social media sales, and I didn’t yet have the money to pour into Amazon and Facebook ads. I had a beautiful cover, and my book was a seasonal sell, so I knew if I could get it in front of people, I could sell more books.

I also had a dream, like most aspiring authors do - I wanted to see MY book on a bookstore shelf.

However, I was REALLY scared talking to people in person (i’ve long since gotten over this fear!) but if approaching book store clerks or owners in person makes you feel like you’re going to vomit – I see you. I created a guide that does NOT require any in person sales pitching. In fact, I got my first 10 book store deals without ever leaving my house. Now I love to go in and talk to the bookstore manager in person, but that’s no a requirement!

My sophomore novel, The Way You See Me, reached best seller status by getting into bookstores. (Still can’t believe that!) I stopped keeping track of the physical book stores it was in after I hit 40 bookstores.  I’ve sold enough books to bookstores within 6 months of debuting that it afforded me to pay for my editor and marketing of my next book from bookstore profits alone. And if you know how expensive a good editor is, than you know this is no small feat!

So what's included in the guide?

You’ll get a PDF file with..

  • (editable) Canva Template for one-sheeter (you can use it again and again for all of your books!)
  • Bookstore email guidelines (I’ll help you with what to say, and what not to say when pitching)
  • 2 full pages of Tips & Tricks for getting your indie book into bookstores
  • A resource for finding bookstores!

*Please note 2 things:

  • You will need to use Canva to edit the template. You can use a free Canva account
  • The PDF guide will automatically open after the purchase goes through, you can save it directly to your computer or phone

over 70 self-published authors have used this guide so far!

I made it for one reason, I truly believe it's an untapped market. There's a place for self-published books in bookstores...and it should be seen as just another marketing to-do!